About Brain Gym

Our Mission


To help people reach their personal best, regardless of their circumstances, by building strong brain connections for learning, daily living and healthy ageing.

What is Brain Gym?

Brain Gym© is an exercise program comprising of 26 gentle and easy movements to either calm or stimulate the brain. The deliberately targeted movements support maximum brain function to enhance lifelong learning, physical coordination and productivity in an individual.

Developed by Dr Paul Dennison, Brain Gym incorporates a blend of Chiropractic’s, Movement Physiology, Kinesiology and Behavioural Optometry. Unlike other exercise programs, Brain Gym uses repetitive gross and fine motor movements that deliberately target different regions of the brain to support cognitive function, balance, memory and emotional wellbeing.

About the Brain Gym Program

Brain Gym© is both a self-development and self-awareness program that stimulates clear and focused thinking and promotes a sense of peace, balance and joy. The movements are quick, easy and adaptable for all individuals of all abilities, from toddlers, primary and secondary school students, business teams, through to the elderly. The exercises are often used with individuals who have special needs; Stroke, Acquired Brain Injury, Autism, Multiple Sclerosis, Parkinson’s and wheelchair bound.

Brain Gym together with positive mindset skills develop a belief of self-worth and ability. The movements are easily blended together to support learning, such as writing, reading, maths, physical development, communication, organisation, focus, comprehension, self-regulation and overall wellbeing.

Doing Brain Gym with Katharine King

Katharine delivers Brain Gym in playful individual or group settings that incorporates music and props, which offers a fun, rich sensory experience and produces noticeable neurological benefits.

“You don’t know how much you need Brain Gym until you have done it! I feel so much better afterwards.”

– Julia (aged care resident)

See how our programs can make you feel better.